Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi Pdf Viewer


Full Text: PDF. Fudholi, A.,1999, Perkembangan Teknologi Farmasi, Kajian Sediaan Bentuk Obat. Pelayanan Kesehatan Dibidang Obat, Pidato Pengukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar Pada Fakultas Farmasi UGM, 23-25. View My Stats.

The analysis of dispensing prescriptions available in Pharmacy in Yogyakarta was performed. The analysis included observation problems of dosage form preparations, and examination compounds of medicines which were mentioned in dispensing prescriptions. The study was conducted by sampling dispensing prescriptions from the pharmacy located in Yogyakarta. Questionnaires and interviews to pharmacists were also conducted in order to support the prescription data. The result showed that the oral solid dosage forms were the majority (71%) of dispensing prescriptions written. Tablet crushing was the major problems of.

The majority objective of therapy with this type of dispensing were for asthma, infection and allergy. It was also found that brand names (74%) medicine were more written than generic names. The most generic name written/added was CTM (chlorpheniramin maleat). Results of questionnaire evaluation showed that semi solid (unguentum, cream) was the major problem (69%) of pharmaceutical dispensing in the Pharmacy.

Dispensing Salicylic acid with other semi solids were the most problems. Prescription analysis showed that about 14,2% dispensing prescriptions contain salycilic acid mixed with cream, and 26,5% dispense prescriptions contains salicylic acid mixed with any kinds of drugs or other semi solid forms. Liquid were the minor (7,2%) dispensing prescriptions written by physicians. However problems were still remain caused by crushing coated tablets and dispensing to the liquid. Keywords: prescription, pharmaceutical stores, dosage forms, Yogyakarta. Ed., 1973, Drug Design, Academic Press, New York and London, vol. Danish, M., Kottke, MK (1996) Pediatric and Geriatric Aspects of Pharmacentics in modern Pharmacentics 3rd ed, Marcel Deker, Inc.

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Fudholi, A.,1999, Perkembangan Teknologi Farmasi, Kajian Sediaan Bentuk Obat, Makalah Lokakarya Tata Cara Penulisan Resep yang Benar, di Fak. Avenir next ultra light free font. Kedokteran UG. Fudholi, A., 2000, Perkembangan Teknologi Farmasi, Fungsi dan Perannya dalarn Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Dibidang Obat, Pidato Pengukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar Pada Fakultas Farmasi UGM, 23-25 Harjono dan Farida, N., 1999, Kajian Resep-resep di Apotek Sebagai Sarana Meningkatkan Penulisan Resep Yang Rational, Jurnal Kedokteran YARS1, 7(1), 91-102. Lachman, L., Lieberman, HA., Kanig, JL., 1989, The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1-225 Mitschell, JF., 1996 Oral Solid Dosage Forms That Should Not Be Crushed, 1996 Revision, Hospital Pharmacy, 31(1), 27-37 Pifferi, G., Santoso, P., Pedrani, M., 1999 Quality and Functionally of Excipients, Farmaco, 54 (1-2),1-14 Pudjiraharjo, WJ., Poernomo, H., Machfoed, MH., 1993 Metode Penelitian dan Statistik Terapan, Airlangga University Press. Santoso, B., 1996 Principles of Rational Prescribing, Medical Progress, 6-9 Smith, H.J.

And Williams, H., 1983 Introduction to the Principles of Drug Design, The Stonebridge Press, Bristol, 40-51 Soebagyo, S.S., 2000 Tablet Sebagai Manifestasi Peran Teknologi Farmasi Pada Penghantaran Obat, Pidato Pengukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar Pada Fakultas Farmasi UGM, 10-20.

Selain dikemas dalam bentuk untuk diminum atau diinjeksikan, berbagai jenis obat dikemas dalam bentuk obat luar seperti lotion, liniment, pasta dan bubuk yang biasanya dipakai untuk pengobatan ganggaun dermatologis misalnya gatal-gatal, kulit kering, infeksi dan lain-lain. Obat topical juga dikemas dalam bentuk obat tetes (instilasi) yang dipakai untuk tetes mata, telinga, atau hidung serta dalam bentuk untuk irigasi baik mata, telinga, hidung, vagina, maupun rectum. Dalam memberikan pengobatan kita sebagai perawat harus mengingat dan memahami prinsip enam benar agar kita dapat terhindar dari kesalahan dalam memberikan obat, namun ada baiknya kita mengetahui peran masing-masing profesi yang terkait dengan upaya pengobatan. Topikal adalah obat yang cara pemberiannya bersifat lokal, misalnya tetes mata, salep mata, tetes telinga dan lain-lain. Pemberian obat pada kulit merupakan cara memberikan obat pada kulit dengan mengoleskan bertujuan mempertahankan hidrasi, melindungi permukaan kulit, mengurangi iritasi kulit, atau mengatasi infeksi. Pemberian obat pada telinga cara memberikan obat pada telinga dengan tetes telinga atau salep.