Trafaret Cifr Ot 1 Do 10 Format A4
Excel for Office 365 Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel 2007 Excel 2016 for Mac Excel for Mac 2011 Excel Online Excel for iPad Excel Web App Excel for iPhone Excel for Android tablets Excel 2007 Developer Excel 2010 Developer Excel 2013 Developer Excel for Android phones Excel for Windows Phone 10 Excel Mobile Excel Starter 2010 The IF function allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect by testing for a condition and returning a result if that condition is True or False. • =IF(Something is True, then do something, otherwise do something else) But what if you need to test multiple conditions, where let’s say all conditions need to be True or False ( AND), or only one condition needs to be True or False ( OR), or if you want to check if a condition does NOT meet your criteria? All 3 functions can be used on their own, but it’s much more common to see them paired with IF functions. Use the IF function along with AND, OR and NOT to perform multiple evaluations if conditions are True or False. Syntax • IF(AND()) - IF(AND(logical1, [logical2].), value_if_true, [value_if_false])) • IF(OR()) - IF(OR(logical1, [logical2].), value_if_true, [value_if_false])) • IF(NOT()) - IF(NOT(logical1), value_if_true, [value_if_false])) Argument name Description logical_test (required) The condition you want to test. Value_if_true (required) The value that you want returned if the result of logical_test is TRUE. Value_if_false (optional) The value that you want returned if the result of logical_test is FALSE.
Start studying MGSC Exam 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. And select VLOOKUP. Type A4 in the lookup value. If A4 is greater than B2 OR A4 is less than B2 plus 60 (days), then format the cell, otherwise do nothing. =NOT(A5>B2) If A5 is NOT greater than B2, format the cell, otherwise do nothing.
Here are overviews of how to structure, and functions individually. When you combine each one of them with an IF statement, they read like this: • AND – =IF(AND(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False) • OR – =IF(OR(Something is True, Something else is True), Value if True, Value if False) • NOT – =IF(NOT(Something is True), Value if True, Value if False) Examples Following are examples of some common nested IF(AND()), IF(OR()) and IF(NOT()) statements. The AND and OR functions can support up to 255 individual conditions, but it’s not good practice to use more than a few because complex, nested formulas can get very difficult to build, test and maintain. Urok samopoznaniya sluzhenie obschestvu.
The NOT function only takes one condition. Here are the formulas spelled out according to their logic: Formula Description =IF(AND(A2>0,B20,B450),TRUE,FALSE) IF A6 (25) is NOT greater than 50, then return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. In this case 25 is not greater than 50, so the formula returns TRUE.
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