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To promote consistent global implementation of those requirements, the Committee has agreed to periodically review frequently asked questions and publish answers along with any technical elaboration of the rules text and interpretative guidance that may be necessary. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today issued on Basel III's liquidity coverage ratio (LCR). Tematicheskij trenazher po russkomu yaziku gorbacevich otveti. The Committee has received a number of interpretation questions related to the of the LCR standard.

Shrek [Special Edition] [2 Discs] • Release date: November 2, 2001 • Format: Dvd • Language: Eng/Fre/Spa • Subtitles: Eng/Fre/Spa • Number of discs: 2 • Run Time: 1 hr. • Special Features: Character revoice studio Behind-the-scenes featurette Hidden fun facts Character interviews Dreamworks Kids games (six hours) Game swamp: Over 15 interactive games and activities Music videos from Smash Mouth, Baha Men Scene selection Filmmakers' commentary 'The Tech of Shrek' Storyboard pitch of deleted scenes Technical goofs International dubbing featurette Character design progression reel Hints for Shrek video game •. Shrek [P&S] • Release date: August 19, 2003 • Format: Dvd • Language: Eng/Fre/Spa • Subtitles: Eng/Fre/Spa • Number of discs: 1 • Run Time: 1 hr. • Special Features: ccShrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party International dubbing featurette HBO First Look: Making of Shrek Shrek's Music Room: music videos from Smash Mouth, Baha Men & more Game Swamp: over 15 interactive games and activities including Shrek Pinball, Rescue the Princess and Soup Slam Storyboard pitch of outrageous deleted scenes Filmmakers' commentary Technical goofs Exclusive hints for Shrek Xbox video game Cast and production notes •. Shrek/ The Madagascar Penguins in A Christmas Caper [Bonus Holiday Disc] • Release date: November 15, 2005 • Format: Dvd • Language: Eng/Fre/Spa • Subtitles: Eng/Fre/Spa • Number of discs: 2 • Run Time: 1 hr. • Special Features: Shrek: Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party International dubbing fearturette HBO first look: Making of Shrek Shrek's music room: Music videos from Smash Mouth, Baha Men, and more! Game Swamp: Over 115 interactive games and activities including Shrek pinball, Rescue the Princess, and Soup Slam Storyboard pitch of outrageous deleted scenes Filmmakers' commentary Technical goofs Exclusive hints for Shrek Xbox video game Cast and production notes •.

Shrek [P&S] • Release date: April 26, 2010 • Format: Dvd • Language: Eng/Fre/Spa • Subtitles: Eng/Fre/Spa • Number of discs: 1 • Run Time: 1 hr. • Special Features: cc Shrek in the swamp karaoke dance party International dubbing featurette Hbo first look: making of Shrek Shrek's music room: music videos from smash, mouth, baha men & more!

Mirror, mirror on the wall and shrektacular trivia games Storyboard pitch of outrageous deleted scenes Filmmaker's commentary Technical goofs Exclusive hints for Shrek xbox video game Cast and production notes •. Shrek [2 Discs] [Blu-ray/DVD] • Release date: August 30, 2011 • Format: BluRay • Language: Eng/Fre/Por/Spa • Subtitles: Eng/Fre/Por/Spa • Number of discs: 2 • Run Time: 3 hr. • Special Features: cc Blu-ray: The animators' corner Shrek's interactive journey: I Spotlight on Donkey (HD) Secrets of Shrek (HD) Deleted scenes Filmmakers' commentary Shrek, rattle & roll music & more Karaoke dance party (HD) DVD: Spotlight on Donkey Secrets of Shrek Deleted scenes Filmmakers' commentary Shrek, rattle & roll music & more Karaoke dance party •.

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