Nsimsun Font


I work on webpages involving Non-English scripts from time to time, most of them uses utf-8 charset, VIM and Gvim does not display UTF-8 Characters correctly. Using VIM 7.3.46 on windows 7 64 bit, with set guifont=Monaco:h10 in _vimrc Is there a way to fix this? Update: I've googled around and found set guifontwide acts as second fallback for regional languages.

Primarily a font manager like Font Book, but functions well as a font viewer, also like Font Book. LinoType is a vendor of high-quality fonts from a wide range of foundries, including Chinese. See our discussion of Chinese font foundries, above.

I added the following lines in _vimrc and most of my problems got solved. Set enc=utf-8 set fileencoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf8,prc set guifont=Monaco:h11 set guifontwide=NSimsun:h12 The above NSimsun font works for Chinese, The problem is I don't know how they got the font name to work with VIM, Courier New is mentioned as Courier_New also NSimsun is nowhere in the font directory. The font I want to use is Latha But, I don't know how to use it in _vimrc File. Set guifontwide=latha:h12 or set guifontwide=Latha:h12 doesn't work. If I successfully set the guifontwide to latha, then my problem will be solved, How to do it? On M$ Windows, gvim wouldn't allow you to select non-monospaced fonts.

Unfortunately Latha is a non-monospaced font. There is a hack way to make it happen: Using (you can download Windows binary from ) to edit the Latha.ttf and mark it as a monospaced font.

Doing like this: • Load fontforge, select latha.ttf. • Menu: Element -> Font Info • Select 'OS/2' from left-hand list on Font Info dialog • Select 'Panose' tab • Set Proportion = Monospaced • Save new TTF version of this font, try it out!

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